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My research interests are algebra, universal algebra and topology. In particular I am interested in binary algebraic structures related to the solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, as quandles and skew braces.

Publications and preprints: Titolo

Published papers

  1. ​Acri E., B.M., Skew of size p^2q I: abelian type, Algebra Colloquium Vol.29 (2), (2022).

  2. B. M., Connected quandles of size pq and 4p, Osaka journal of Mathematics 59 (1), 145-175, (2022)

  3. Acri E., B.M., Skew of size p^2q II: non-abelian typeJournal of algebra and its applications, Vol. 21, No. 3 (2022).

  4. B. M., Medial and semimedial left-quasigroups, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications Vol. 21, No. 02, 2250021 (2022).

  5. B. M., Fioravanti S.Mal'cev classes of left quasigroups and quandles, Quasigroups and related systems, vol.29 No. 2 (2021).

  6. Bianco G., B. M., On connected quandles of prime power order, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry volume 62, 555–586 (2021).

  7. B. M., Stanovský D., Commutator theory for racks and quandles, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, Vol. 73, No. 1, 41-75 (2021).

  8. B. M., Crans A., Nasybullov T., Whitney G.Quandles with orbit series conditions, Journal of Algebra 567, 284-309 (2021). 

  9. B. M., Kynion M., Stanovský D., Vojtěchovský P.Latin Involutive solutions to the Yang-Baxter equationJournal of Algebra, Volume 565 (1), Pages 128-159 (2021).

  10. Acri E., B. M., Skew Braces of size pq, Communications in Algebra, Volume 48, Issue 5, 1872-1881  (2020).

  11. B. M., Principal and doubly homogeneous quandles, Monatshefte für Mathematik 191, 691–717 (2020).

  12. B. M., Dikranjan D., Generalized Heisenberg groups and self-duality, Questions and answers in general topology 37 Number 2, 89-108 (2019).

  13. B. M., A. Crans, G. Whitney, On the structure of Hom quandles, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 223, Issue 11, 5017-5029 (2019).

  14. B. M., Vojtěchovský P., Simply connected latin quandles, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, Volume No.27, Issue No. 11 (2018).

Accepted for publications



  1. B.M., Nilpotent left quasigroups.

  2. B. M., On oriented singquandles and related algebraic structures.

  3. B.M., Two Galois connections for left quasigroups.

  4. B.M., A conjecture on superconnected quandles.

In progress

  1. B.M., On Hayashi conjecture for connected quandles

Publications and preprints: Programma

©2019 di Marco Bonatto. Creato con

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